Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Pictures :: Service in Ruse, Rocky Monasteries, and Tsenovo UMC

Patti read the first scripture in worship this morning. Rose read another passage later. They were read in English and again in Bulgarian.

Pastor Greg preached about The Golden Rule while Daniel translated. The banner from New Hope was presented during the service. It's visible on the pulpit here.

We climbed steps up the side of a cliff to get to this Orthodox rocky monastery. This is an example of how a few of the icons are presented in a typical Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

Here are some frescoes from the "Archangel Michael" monastery. A guide narrated the illustrations for us. This was Rose's favorite.

The view from above the monastery. Left to right: Rose, Nina, Freedy, Daniel, and David.

The members of Tsenovo UMC welcomed us with warm hearts and a warm meal on a warm day! We were so happy to meet them and see their church!

Our team and members of Tsenovo UMC in front of their church.
Posted by Katy, 12:30 am (Monday morning).


Anonymous said...

We are anxious to read your daily journal.
Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

way cool banner homeslice ;) and btw, i'm super jealous of you all, Bulgaria looks amazing

Anonymous said...

The amount of faith, support and friendship that is being shown and developed in such a short time is obvious in your pictures. Your journey has been incredible and you all of done a wonderful job of spreading God's word and following through with his call to you.

Can't wait until you all get home.

Anonymous said...

Missed you at the crunch game Sunday. Only played 1 hand - just wasn't the same without you. Can't wait to see you in a few days.
Love you lots!

Unknown said...

Patti put Daniel to sleep (pic 1)