Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween and Thanksgiving All In One Day

Halloween with Trick or Treating and Thanksgiving are holidays that are not observed in Bulgaria, so it made for a fun day to don costumes, answer the doorbell to hundreds of treat seekers and then learn the Thanksgiving customs of turkey carving and eating pumpkin pie.

Natural Beauty = 150,000+ Poinsettias

It was really fun to see over 150,000 poinsettias all in one place! Natural Beauty in Denmark has 20 acres of greenhouse inside and an additional 5 acres outside! The daily heating costs are astounding and the beauty of seeing the acres of flowers is breathtaking.

Rural America - The Face of Farming

Dairy cows, beef and chickens. It was interesting, informative and the meal with the Reckelberg's was wonderful.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Heritage Hill Gives A Peak At Wisconsin's Past

We spent the morning touring Heritage Hill State Park sharing the history of Green Bay and those who first settled this area. The day began and ended eating with friends.

Potluck Dinner Complete with "Authentic" Bulgarian Dancing

What a fun evening that started and ended with beautiful Bulgarian songs. In the middle we ate lots of yummy food and desserts galore... we learned to dance Bulgarian style.... Pastor Daniel told us about the history of Methodism and Christianity in Bulgaria .... and we presented them with their very own "Wisconsin" sweatshirts.